English lesson in LuckyKids

Phonetic transcription provides a way to pronounce all sounds for a given language, gives the model for their sound in different combinations with other sounds, “translates” the specific sounds of the language.

A unified phonetic alphabet has been adopted that can be used by learners to facilitate pronunciation.

Before using it, it is necessary to learn it, as some sounds have a special sign other than letters.ПовечеMoreБолееMai mult

Problem behavior and aggression in children

The first clarification I make, as a professional in child education, is that there are no problem children – there are children with a problem that has not been given the necessary attention in time. Unfortunately, in our time, children are exposed on a daily basis to all kinds of suggestions through our culture and way of life.ПовечеMoreБолееMai mult

A girl with Down syndrome

Down syndrome is a genetic disease, has varying degrees and is usually the cause of changes in the typical characteristics of the child’s physical and intellectual development. It is important to know that it leads to various difficulties, some of which are intellectual. Better awareness of Down Syndrome gives professionals a better chance to work with children to help them grow and integrate into society.ПовечеMoreБолееMai mult

Английски правилни и неправилни глаголи

What part of English grammar do children study by sections and why? Where do they experience difficulties and how do they overcome them?   English grammar for children in Lucky Kids and teaching methods At LuckyKids, we as professionals understand the importance of grammar as a very important part of our program. We, the teachers,ПовечеMoreБолееMai mult

Play and talk with echo метод

Main methods, advantages, disadvantages and recommendations from teachers. Can parents help with this?   Speaking skills in a foreign language – basic methods of formation and consolidation At the beginning of any language training it is extremely important to form stable speaking skills. It is important to work with all children at an early age toПовечеMoreБолееMai mult

Английски за заекващи деца

Do children learn idioms? What kind of idioms are studied and why? Do children manage to use them successfully in writing and speaking? Difficulties in studying and overcoming them. Idioms of the English language – meaning and formation An idiom is a common word or phrase of cultural significance, which differs from that which itsПовечеMoreБолееMai mult

Jolly Phonics methodology

Description and explanation of the qualification and experience of the teachers, reasons for acquiring each qualification / certificate   LuckyKids management team:   Joanna Benevreshka: manager education – Academy of Music and Fine Arts, Plovdiv, Music Pedagogy and Art Management, NBU – Management; Public Relations and Brand Management – LSRP Valya Stankovska: Deputy Manager educationПовечеMoreБолееMai mult

Lucky Kids Teaching

Description of the process of work and presentation of the lesson   Developing the only lesson is a strictly individual and creative activity. There is a common structure and some rules that every professional should follow. As a recommended teacher, I can give my recipe for development and presentation. Process description The topic   EachПовечеMoreБолееMai mult