What are the educational blocks in the summer camp

What are the educational blocks in the summer camp


Description of the blocks, the logic between them and the levels, what they include and how they develop the child’s language skills. Why are they matched so

The lessons in the camp are divided into two blocks of 80 minutes each, with a 20-minute break between them. The need for such a division is imposed by team work on projects. Each change of camp has a basic theme, and each level of English has a basic sub-theme.

The first block of 80 minutes of learning English is filled with a theoretical part, grammar, acquaintance with new material and grammar exercises. It necessarily includes attractive presentations by the teacher. All the exercises in the interactive halls are solved on the tablets. Complete information with the work of children, presentation and teacher’s report is obtained by the parent electronically.

In this first block, the children are introduced to the basic application of the educational platform of Google, which can be used in the preparation of their presentation and the presentation at the end of the period.

The first block of the training process emphasizes the accumulation of knowledge or the removal of language units from the language reserve of the passive vocabulary/In case the campers are from the advanced level/. Our teachers work specifically on the development of speech skills by communicating constantly in the language, bringing new constructions and expressions during the project work and in the daily communication with the children. This is a process in which the exchange of language units is carried out.

In the second block the children work in groups of two or three on a presentation on the specified topic for the specific level. The purpose of such separation of children is to learn to work in teams, which in turn supports the program of the language camp, associated with the introduction with the main virtues.

The second block is extremely entertaining and different from all other blocks. Often children are harvested with projects made of useless, recycled, non-traditional, natural and/or waste materials (all of which are safe for their health).

The second block is a time to consolidate what is learnt and learn by dusting. Recent research in Pedogogikata shows that learning through application and doing gives the most long-lasting results. The children remember what they have done with personal experience for life.

The lessons in nature and the touching of animals such as horses give an extremely positive effect on children’s psyche, connect the experience with positive emotions and help strengthen the overall effect of the program.

The European framework for language proficiency

According to the Eupropean language proficiency framework, our campers can join the appropriate level according to the level of their language skills and they are:

Level A1 or Beginner

• Understanding and listening: I can understand familiar words and commonly used expressions related to me, my family, and my immediate surroundings when speaking slowly and distinctly.
• Reading: I can understand familiar names, words and very simple sentences, for example, in elementary books, posters or catalogues.
• Speaking and participating in a conversation: I can communicate in a simple way, provided that the interlocutor is ready to repeat or more slowly reformulate what is said and help me to express what I am trying to say. I can ask and answer simple questions about familiar topics or about what I have an immediate need for.
• Self-Verbal Handout: I can use simple phrases and sentences to describe where I live and the people I know.
• Writing: I can write a short easy text on a postcard (for example, from a holiday). I can fill out my personal data in a small booklet where I develop a project (for example: Name, nationality and address).

Level A2

• Understanding and listening: I can understand the most commonly used words and phrases related to what most directly affect me/basic information about me, my family, purchases, close surroundings, daily pursuits/. I can understand the essence in short and clear announcements and messages.
• Reading: I can read short and very simple texts in sentences. I can find specific and predictable information in common texts, such as advertisements, prospectuses, menus and schedules. I can understand short and easy personal letters.
• Speaking and participating in a conversation: I can communicate in the implementation of simple and customary tasks that require only easy and direct exchange of information on familiar topics and activities. I can take part in short lines, even if I don’t understand enough to lead a consistent conversation in general.
• Self-verbal handout: I can use a set of sentences or phrases to describe in simple terms my family and other people, my living conditions, what I study, occupations.
• Writing: I can write short and easy notes and messages. I can write a simple personal letter, for example, to express gratitude to someone.

Level B1

• Writing: I can write short and easy notes and messages. I can write a simple personal letter, for example, to express gratitude to someone.
• Reading: I can understand texts written mostly in everyday language or referring to my work. I can understand the descriptions of events, expressions of feelings and wishes in personal letters.
• Speaking and participating in a conversation: I can handle most situations in which I am in a country where the language is spoken. I can participate without prior preparation in conversations on topics that are familiar to me, personally interested in me or relate to my everyday life/e.g. family, leisure, occupations and work, travel, current events/.
• Self-verbal handout: I can express myself in a simple way to tell experiences and events, dreams, hopes or goals. I can briefly give reasons and explain my opinions or intentions. I can tell a story, a book or a movie and express my attitude.

Level B2

• Understanding and listening: I can understand a relatively long lecture or speech and even follow a complex argumentation if my subject is relatively familiar. I can understand TV shows and movies without much difficulty.
• Reading: I can read articles and reports on contemporary topics in which the authors express a particular attitude or perspective. I can understand contemporary artistic text in prose.
• Speaking and participating in a conversation: I can communicate with some fluency and ease, which allows me to have normal contact with an authentic language carrier. I can actively participate in a conversation on familiar topics, to represent and defend my opinions.
• Oral presentation: I can express myself clearly and in detail on a wide range of topics that correspond to my interests. I can develop my point of view on a topical issue and explain the pros and cons of different options.
• Writing: I can write clear and detailed texts on a wide range of topics that correspond to my interests. I can write an essay or make a presentation by transmitting information or stating reasons for or against an opinion. I can write letters by I emphasize the meaning I personally give to events and experiences.

Level C1

• Understanding and listening: I can understand a long speech, even when it is not clearly structured and logical links are not clearly named. I can understand TV shows and movies without much effort.
• Reading: I can understand long and complex non-artistic and artistic texts and to judge their stylistic peculiarities. I can understand specialized articles and lengthy technical instructions even when not related to my field of activity.
• Speaking and participating in a conversation: I can express myself fluently and freely without any apparent difficulty in selecting words. I can use the language flexibly and efficiently for social or professional contacts. I can accurately express my ideas and opinions and associate my speeches with those of my interlocutors.
• Oral presentation: I can make clear and detailed descriptions of complex issues, including related topics, develop specific moments and conclude my speech appropriately.
• Writing: I can create clear and well-structured text and present my viewpoint. I can write on complex topics in a letter, an essay or a report, I emphasize essential to me moments. I can choose a style consistent with the respondent.

Level C2

• Understanding and listening: I can understand without any difficulty the spoken language, both in direct communication and in the media, and when you speak quickly, provided that I have time to get used to the peculiarities of pronunciation.
• Reading: I can effortlessly read any kind of text, even abstract or intricate in content or form, such as a textbook, a specialized article, or a literary work.
• Speaking and participating in a conversation: I can participate effortlessly in any conversation or discussion and to freely serve idiomatic and colloquialisms. I can express myself freely and convey precisely the nuances of my mind. If I encounter a difficulty, I find a way to get out of the situation skillfully so that others don’t notice it.
• Oral presentation: I can present a clear and smooth description or argumentation in a context-sensitive style. I can build a logical statement, and help the listener to understand and remember the important points.
• Writing: I can create a clear, smooth and stylistic matching of the circumstances text. I can write complex letters, reports or articles with a clear structure so that the reader can grasp and memorize the essential. I can summarize and analyse professional texts or artwork

The logic of the training process in the Luskidds follows the very process of acquiring these levels, respectively: level beginner, intermediate level, upper intermediate level, level advanced. All lecturers and the organization of the camp are subject to this logic, including sports activities and recreational activities.
We help our beginners to accumulate vocabulary, closer the language model and learn it. We give the initial launch of children from intermediate level to speak in a free way. We give freedom of writing at the upper intermediate level. We make campers free in their oral and written expression from an advanced level, in which they can approach stylistically and seek challenges for further development.